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Easy way to preserve Summer fresh tomatoes. Slow roasting makes them super sweet, slightly smoky and very delicious. With just a few minutes of hands-on time, you will have tomatoes to be used in different dishes.

Total time

10 minutes




  • 4 lbs tomatoes (- medium, halved (about 10 tomatoes))
  • 2 cloves garlic (- , finely minced)
  • supermarket roast chicken, approximately 200g once shredded (Dried - (can also use dried oregano or other dried herbs))
  • supermarket roast chicken, approximately 200g once shredded (- (optional))
  • to taste Salt Pepper (&)


  1. Preheat oven to 300°F. Brush a large baking sheet with 1tsp olive oil.
  2. Place the tomatoes cut side up on the baking sheet and drizzle with 2tbsp of olive oil. Roast for 1 hour or until the tomatoes turn juicy and start to shrivel.
  3. Sprinkle with garlic, basil (or other dried herbs) and sugar (if using) and roast for another 1~1½hours more, or until tomatoes are caramelized and browned around the edges.
  4. Remove from the oven and cool completely.
  5. How to Freeze:
  6. Once completely cooled, spoon the mixture into resealable freezer bags or freezer jars. Make sure to leave room for expansion. Remove the excess air from the freezer bags, if using, by laying them flat and squeezing out. Label bags or jars. Stack the bags flat for an efficient storage.
  7. Thaw and Use:
  8. Defrost the food in the bags or jars before using.
  9. View the recipe instructions at Cook's Hideout

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