6 Diet Cold Recipes

Looking for diet cold? Here is our collection of 6 delicious meal ideas, including: Cold Brew Icebox Pie. Cold Thai Cucumber Avocado Soup with Cucumber Relish. Cold Chocolate Snacking Cake.

Cold Brew Icebox Pie

Cold Brew Icebox Pie ~ a deep dark chocolate crumb crust filled with a refreshing cold brew coffee cream, this no bake dessert takes 15 minutes to make!

Cold Thai Cucumber Avocado Soup with Cucumber Relish

Cold Thai Cucumber Avocado Soup with Cucumber Relish is as refreshing as it gets on a hot summer day!

Cold Chocolate Snacking Cake

Cold Chocolate Snacking Cake this decadent cake is a copy cat version of the famous Sara Lee chocolate cake, and it's utterly irresistible.

Cold Brew Iced Mocha Pops

Cold Brew Iced Mocha Pops --- refreshing iced coffee popsicles with benefits (aka dark chocolate chips.) This is the ultimate after dinner coffee!

Cold Brew Coffee Breakfast Smoothie

Coffee Breakfast Smoothie - a delicious and nutritious breakfast combining cold brew coffee with a smoothie all in one convenient, healthy, and tasty drink.

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